42.2 F
Monday, January 20, 2025

—– Original Message —–

From: Marcia Patton To: Tim Phillips ; Angela Farrar ; Ben Naguit ; Cathy Fransson ; Cathy Johnson ; Chuck Elven ; Craig Darling ; Curtis Price ; Dana McClendon ; Dave Simpkins ; David A. McFarlane ; David Kile ; Donald Ward ; FBC Salt Lake ; garryltyson@aol.com ; Greg Ledbetter ; Herbert Carey ; Howard Bess ; James T. Winbush ; John Doty ; Judy Gay ; Kristie Graham ; Leslie D. Braxton ; Marion L. Nesby ; Marilyn Marston ; Paul Aita ; RJ Justininaio ; Steve Jones ; Ted H. Sandberg ; Worth Wilson ; Anne Hall (home) ; Archie Pinkney ; Bill Asher ; Bill Painter ; Brooke Rolston ; Carolyn Shimabukuro ; Cathy Kernen ; Charles Scalise ; Clem Winbush ; Curtis Smith ; Dave Roberts (home) ; Diane & Amos Landry ; Dick Johnson ; Evelyn Heyman ; Gay Hasselblad ; Kelly Coleman ; Mark Rambo ; Mary Walker ; Pam Scalise ; Patricia Hunter ; Tom Nielsen ; Walter Heyman ; Becky Jurewicz ; Bill Kerr ; Bob Vandegrift ; Bruce Wallace ; Esther Chelsea-McCarty ; John Doty Sr. ; Julian Hunter ; Ken Lessard ; Lee Campbell ; Norm Adams Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 2:48 PMSubject: FW: Emailing: petitionFriends:I pray that the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus the Christ is real to you especially these holy days of celebration. May God bless you, your ministries and families in a special way.There has been a storm brewing in the Black press because of unsigned letters in the Medium from Concerned Citizens of Mt. Zion about recent Mt. Zion affairs. At a meeting of Black clergy called by the Black Caucus of Evergreen the letter in the attached link to a petition was drawn up. If you desire please give it consideration of your signature. The letter is copied below the petition information if you want to read it before you go to the petition link to sign it. Thank you for your consideration.Grace and peace,MarciaMarcia J. PattonExecutive MinisterEvergreen Association of American Baptist Churches409 Third Avenue South Suite AKent WA 98032—–Original Message—–From: Curl, Ken [mailto:Ken.Curl@METROKC.GOV] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 2:06 PMTo: ‘mlkjrbaptist@msn.com’; ‘clemeba@comcast.net’; ‘marciaeba@comcast.net’; ‘pastorcarey@msn.com’Cc: ‘kgcurl99@comcast.net’; ‘mommy-jean2@comcast.net’Subject: FW: Emailing: petitionHi Folks:I have attached the letter and the link to sign the online petition. Thanks for all your help. You can now forward this information to others so we can start to gather the electronic signatures. I will have the hardcopy with me this weekend so that me, Pastor Carey and Marcia can sign on the original.Thanks.Ken—–Original Message—–From: Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Curl [mailto:kgcurl99@comcast.net] Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:05 PMTo: Curl, KenSubject: Emailing: petition
An open letter to the Concerned Citizens of Mount Zion
View Current Signatures – Sign the PetitionTo: Facts NewspaperAn open letter to the Concerned Citizens of Mount Zion: Clergy, Chaplains, Executives of Denominations, Religious Educators, and other Christians have decided to speak out regarding the various articles that have appeared in newspapers and been discussed on the radio concerning the internal affairs of Mount Zion Baptist Church. We do not side with Rev. Dr. Leslie Braxton or your group. However, we do encourage you to stop putting the church on trial in the court of public opinion. What is said in the newspaper and discussed on talk radio is detrimental to the entire Body of Christ. How can we offer the church as a place of refuge, comfort, and hope? How can we tell folks to bring their troubles and burdens to the church? What Good News can we offer people when they get regular doses of bad news and disharmony out of one of the most respected churches in this state, region, and country? The spirit and intent of 1st Corinthians 6:1 is to encourage the church to work out its disputes internally. We are certain that there are governing structures in place at Mount Zion that address differing opinions and disharmony: Constitution, Diaconate Board, Executive Council, etc. Please stop using the media. What is being done not only hurts Mount Zion it hurts and cripples the Body of Christ. The spirit and understanding of what Jesus said in Matthew 18:15-17 can apply to Mount Zion To paraphrase: If your brother has done something against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he will not listen, take others along the next time. If he still does not listen and no form of reconciliation or compromise can be reached, then you bring it before the church body. One does not bring the inner dynamics and politics of the church into the court of public opinion. This is destructive! It causes pain, brokenness, alienation, confusion, and doubt and can hinder one’s faith walk. Nothing good can come from this. These words come from the National Baptist Church Covenant: “…We further engage to watch over, to pray for, to exhort and stir up each other unto every good word and work; to guard each other’s reputation, not needlessly exposing the infirmities of others…to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for reconciliation… to secure it without delay; and through life, amid evil report, and good report, to seek to live to the glory of God, who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.” This is the most un-churched state in America! None of our personal agendas is more important than God’s directive and command, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). Our troubled and tension-charged environment makes Jesus’ command very difficult if not impossible to do. Please settle the disputes, struggles, and disharmony inside the walls of Mount Zion and not in the media. Sincerely, Clergy, Chaplains, Executives of Denominations, Religious Educators, and other Christians Sincerely, 8.
Rev. Dr. James D. Gibson

Marion Nesby

Rev. Curtis L. Price

Thomas C. Nielsen

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James T. Winbush

Gila Burton-Curl

Marcia J. Patton

Kristie Graham

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Top of FormBottom of FormView Current Signatures The An open letter to the Concerned Citizens of Mount Zion Petition to Facts Newspaper was created by Evergreen Baptist Association and written by Ken Curl (kgcurl99@comcast.net).

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