Total cost to “deliver on the dream” for all children: Priceless. More about the Seattle Public Schools school closures and repurposing can be found on the Seattle School District’s website The question remains how will the closures that Perhaps these recommendations are an effort to better its students and uphold the District slogan, Despite these partnerships and grants “because of its geographic location [Rainier View], is no longer desirable as an elementary school site,” according to the school district website. itis consistently under-enrolled, and, because of its geographic location, is no longerdesirable as an elementary school site. The district Continue to provide AP classes at Garfield, and provide equity and rigor in AP offerings at all other high schools.” -4 million towards a 20 million deficit -had a deficit before Feasibility of eleme. School building (K-5) for old children 6-12. -eliminate busing -Eliminate assignment preference for APP students from Washington to Garfield ( school analysis). Continue to provide AP classes at Garfield, and provide equity and rigor in AP offerings at all other high schools.For that reason, Broadview-Thomson, which has a total capacity of over 700 students but currently enrolls only approximately 500 students, became desirable.