Empowerment Series
Using Life Insurance To Build Generational Wealth
For me, having a life-insurance policy is not an option – it’s a necessity. It ensures your final arrangements are covered and creates a financial asset, a tax-free instrument to transfer generational wealth.
2020: Education Exposed
Like most things, education's socioeconomic effects have had its most significant impact on the neediest people. No sector of our society has felt a greater impact than parents, especially low-income impoverished single-parent households, and homes with special educational needs.
Letter from NAACP Seattle-King County Education Chair, Josette Wicker
Though the excitement of back-to-school activities remains, with K – 12 classes in Seattle starting last Friday, September 4th, many districts in King County are still not prepared to support our students as they return to school. This comes from the lack of accessibility in a multitude of ways.
A Pandemic Of Vanishing Black Wealth
It should come as no surprise that a recession only exacerbates the already vicious patterns of low wealth for Black families. Yet, in an unprecedented twist of fate, never before seen in history, while we are still reeling from the economic losses of last decade’s Great Recession…here we go AGAIN!
Power To The People
By Pamela Oakes
As a nonprofit Fund Development Consultant, I often explain what I do as “empowering nonprofit social impact enterprises with tools and resources...
“Hybrid” Is Not Just For Cars!
By Pamela J. Oakes
The Profitable Nonprofit
I have made a career in the nonprofit industry. I join the other 12.3 million Americans that, as of...
By Pamela J. Oakes
The Profitable Nonprofit
I run my own nonprofit consulting business. My brother runs his own real estate appraisal business. My father owned...
In Other Words
By Pamela J. Oakes
The Profitable Nonprofit
As a Nonprofit Fund Development expert, I am often called upon to help my clients craft the messaging and...
The Impact Of Business Coaching On The Black Female Entrepreneur
When it comes to Black female business owners, there is good news and bad news. Let’s start with the good news – According to...
Power Pursuits – Valuing Black Businesses
By Pamela J. Oakes
Among my career highlights is a 3-year stint in post-apartheid South Africa consulting with top corporations in the areas of Diversity,...