Empowerment Series
Be Intentional
By Jamie Elmore
The New Year 2018 has begun! Can you believe how time passes us by so quickly?
Some of us have had some major...
Protecting Your Kids From The Mobile App Trap
By Dr. Tracey Parrish
I find it fascinating how fast the App Store concept has taken off and how there are applications (apps) for your...
Stuck On Band-aids For Education
By Pamela J. Oakes
Having worked in an urban school district and now on the policy & advocacy side, I can state categorically that I...
The Importance Of Sisterhood
By Jamie Elmore
As I look back over my Alopecia Hair loss journey, I realized I experienced unnecessary trauma and heartache due to the lack...
Alopecia Awareness
My name is Jamie Elmore! I’ve been a hairstylist for 26 years, and was diagnosed with Alopecia in 2004.
I want to be transparent and...
Hair Conversation
By Jamie Elmore
Magazines, society, television and the music industry put so much emphasis on hair. How long it should be, the color and the...
Stress & Alopecia
By Jamie Elmore
As I read emails, and speak to individuals that have reached out to me regarding their hair loss. I’m finding that there...
What Form Of Payment Are You Using?
By Dr. Tracey Parrish
There are many options to pay for your morning cup of joe or to pay your portion of an office party...
How Does The Firing Of Michael Jones At Lowe’s Impact Perceived Commitment To Diversity And Inclusion?
By Effenus Henderson
Recently, Michael Jones, the highest ranking African American at Lowe’s Corporation was terminated for what he believes to be discriminatory reasons. Jones...
Mind The Gap
By Pamela J. Oakes
In case you hadn’t noticed, there has been a widening divide in the country between Whites and Blacks. No, despite the...