26.7 F
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Public Health Dept. Has A Large Number Of Vaccine Appointments Available Through Monday

Due to receiving extra doses, Public Health Seattle-King County (PHSKC) has a large number of appointment slots for COVID-19 vaccine are available today through Monday at King County vaccination sites at the Auburn Outlet Mall and Kent ShoWare site.

According to PHSKC, 0ver 2,500 appointment slots are available each day, providing additional vaccination opportunities for residents in South King County. The sites are offering either Moderna or Pfizer vaccine for south King County residents, ages 16+.

In addition to appointments on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Public Health has added an additional vaccination clinic on Sunday, April 25th.

“This week, we reached the exciting milestone that over 1 million King County residents have received at least one dose. But there are lots of people anxiously awaiting their opportunity.” said Patty Hayes, Director of Public Health – Seattle & King County. “Through opportunities such as this Sunday’s all-day vaccine clinic at our Kent site, we hope that residents of south King County with less flexible schedules, or those who may need someone to accompany them, can have a bit easier time getting their vaccine.”

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Over 56% of King County residents 16 or older have received at least one dose of vaccine. And that percentage jumps to 89% for those age 65-74. At the same time, there continues to be differences in vaccine coverage by geography and by race and ethnicity. Communities in south King County have lower rates of vaccine for those 16 and older compared to the county overall. For example, rates in Auburn, Kent and Federal Way are at 47%.

Eligible residents can register for an appointment at Public Health’s vaccine website, CovidVaccine.KingCounty.gov.

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