Kevin McAfee…
So, politically for the Black community to thrive again, first of all, we have to get active, especially in our own communities and thriving in our own community. Voting, making our voices heard, getting out socially and propping each other up again. The politics is a sketchy game so it’s hard. Most of it is socio-economics that we need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and start fending for ourselves and believing in one another and uplifting one another and supporting one another and then I think we will see some social change.
D’Asia Grain…
I think politically we need to band together in order to help one another and that’s the only way in our communities and across the nation that we can become brothers and sisters once again. We need to stop hating on each other and being ignorant, willing ourselves to the man and in order for that to happen we need to be a community again and there needs to be unity. We need to establish our own businesses and our own schools and places where we can teach and learn together, I think that’s the only way.
Thaddeus Turner…
The art of words is an easy way to confuse masses. Number one, as a community we need to build our financials and then build up our social. Start getting money and acting right. Our institutions such as our churches need to take more responsibility in how they allocate members tithes and instead of church leadership lavishing themselves spread those billions of dollars back into the infrastructure of the community. Right now its seems misguided and our churches have always been the cornerstone of the community both financially and morally. Start getting money and acting right, there you go.
William Magic…
“We need to start with fair housing. You see a lot of other races that have opportunities to get into low-income housing more often than African Americans and that needs to change.
Latifa Souleyman…
I think the African American should come together no matter your ethnicity we should come together, work together in building each other up and unite as one people.
Bryan McAfee…
Politically our people need to stand up and fight the system. We need to value education, become more educated. We need to value work ethic. Employment is extremely important, we need jobs. After that, we, Black people need to come up, instead of being thuggish or trying to be hard, we need to change and do it the smart way.
Photos/Aaron Allen