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Monday, January 6, 2025

The Seattle Medium’s 2022 Primary Election Political Endorsements

Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland, left, and State Rep. Debra Entenman, right, headline the list of candidates endorsed by The Seattle Medium in the upcoming Washington State Primary Election on August 2.

U.S. Senator

Patty Murray

Congressional District 1, U.S. Representative

Suzanne Delbene

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Congressional District 7, U.S. Representative

Pramila Jayapal

Congressional District 8, U.S. Representative

No Endorsement

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Congressional District 9, U.S. Representative

Adam Smith

Congressional District 10, U.S. Representative

Marilyn Strickland. It’s hard to imagine Marilyn Strickland exceeding the high expectations placed upon her as she entered her freshman year in Congress, but she did. Strickland has been a strong supporter and advocate for legislation that protects service members and their families, provide pathways for an inclusive economy that benefits the entire community, investments in education that support access to programming and opportunities to underserved communities, and introduced legislation to enhance oversight in an effort to end discrimination in policing across the country. All this is just a snippet of her congressional portfolio, which supports that fact that Strickland, despite drawing a number of opponents in her bid for re-election, is by far the best choice to represent the 10th District.

Washington State, Secretary of State

Steve Hobbs

Legislative District 11, State Representative Pos. 1

No Endorsement

Legislative District 11, State Representative Pos. 2

No Endorsement

Legislative District 30, State Senator

No Endorsement

Legislative District 30, State Representative Pos. 1

Jamila Taylor. Taylor’s leadership abilities couldn’t be more evident than her colleagues electing her as chair of the Black Members Caucus and Vice Chair of the Housing, Human Services & Veterans Committee during her first year as a legislator. In addition to passing bills that impact the quality of life for people experiencing different challenges, Taylor was able to secure financial resources that provide the necessary infrastructure in public safety, economic development, housing and transportation that her constituents so desperately need.

Legislative District 30, State Representative Pos. 2

There are three people who identify as being African American looking to replace former State Rep. Jesse Johnson, who decided not to run for re-election. Don’t be fooled by political tricksters (candidates) who act like they have the best interest of our community at heart but their actions say something different. In the case of one candidate vying for this position, she let it be known that Black folks did not support her and some of her political decisions reflect this false narrative. With this being a top-two primary, voters should rally behind political newcomer if they want to have some real conversations about real issues leading up to the General Election in November.

Legislative District 37, State Representative Pos. 2

In the only contested primary in the 37th District, the reality is that collectively these candidates have not put forth a strong effort to solicit the support of the African American community. When you talk to people outside political circles most of them have no idea who is running for this seat. While the resume of most of these candidates show some connections to the community, Emijah Smith’s documented track record of advocacy and commitment to racial justice, education and the social and economic growth of the community positions her as a known commodity who will unapologetically serve the best interest of her constituents in the 37th District.

Legislative District 47, State Senator

While The Seattle Medium is not issuing a formal endorsement in this race, voters in the 47th District cannot go wrong if Bill Boyce and Claudia Kauffman make it through the primary and square off in the General Election.

Legislative District 47, State Representative Pos. 1

Since taking office in 2018, State Rep. Debra Entenman is one of the most effective legislators in Olympia. She has passed bill after bill after bill protecting the needs of our seniors, supporting workers, addressing issues of public safety, to strengthen social safety nets, and making investments to support frontline workers. Entenman’s ability to get common sense laws passed that others said could not be done is something that should not overlooked, and voters in the 47th District would do well to send her back to Olympia for another term.

Legislative District 47, State Representative Pos. 1

Shukri Olow. Olow is a community organizer that has worked on a variety of issues including housing, education and human services in South King County. With her candidacy, Olow presents an opportunity for voters in the 47th District to send a strong advocate for education, equity and affordable housing to Olympia.

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