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Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Silencing of the Flock

Matthew 24:4-5 “Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name claiming I am the Christ and will deceive many. “Matthew 24: V24 ForThere shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. In generations past, children were taught how to conduct themselves in church. One such abiding law was that children should be seen and not heard. In today’s era we are taught to ask questions, to challenge, engage in dialogue, to listen, and to observe. We are taught that to analyze, synthesize, re-construct, is a healthy way to learn and grow, even as we participate in learning the Bible, sharing the Christian experience, and spreading the word of the Gospel. But that certainly is not the way business is conducted and Christian learning takes place at Mount Zion Baptist Church, Central Area, Seattle. Who would have thought that generations of long-term members, who have actively served, prayed, tithed, supported Mount Zion, and each other for decades would have their voices taken away? Who would have thought that the pastor and his supporters would silence members of the congregation, who until now were welcome to attend and participate in church meetings? What manner of divisive leadership is this to tell members that their voice is not welcome at church meetings? “This is not right” were the words spoken by a long standing and devoted member as she voiced her opinion directly to the pastor and his followers’ efforts to silence members at the Quarterly Advisory Council meeting held on Friday October 8, 2004. After the vote was taken to silence non-officers of the church, some members left. Others stayed in total disbelief of what had transpired. Some cried while others voiced their unbelief and some their anger. One member stated, “When I think we have hit a new low, we continue to spiral down even further.” It seems that only a select few are entitled to a voice and a vote.What manner of man who calls himself a servant of God’s flock would initiate silencing members? What manner of man would prevent members from asking valid questions and would devalue and downgrade their remarks and comments? Furthermore, what manner of men and women who are ordained as deacons and whose role it is to serve members, would stand and support this minister’s action to hush up and shut up the members they are required to serve. Unshaken by his actions, this minister pressed on with the business at hand to win over his New Vision 21st Century document regardless of the harm, criticisms, and dissension it is causing. He did this following his words that he is helping Mount Zion to heal. His new focus is to have the Vision document voted on in parts vs. as a whole like it was originally presented to the church. Even though his Vision document is not final and is still being discussed and reorganized, he wants the church to vote on the first section of this document on October 22, 2004 where the members will not have all of the information to realize the implications of what they are voting on. In an attempt to heal the church this young pastor has been holding a series of fireside chats. Many members have spoken out against him and a number of the things he is trying to radically change. Some have criticized him directly. Others have commented that he is not listening to them. Recently one senior of the church addressed her perception that his sermons are pointed, hurtful, hateful, and angry. His response to this mixed audience of young and old, men and women, was to deny that his sermons were angry but were full of passion; the same kind of “passion” that takes place in the bedroom between a mother and father. The pastor’s actions and behavior here at Mount Zion are very similar to the conduct and characteristics that he displayed at his former church, Shiloh Baptist Church in Buffalo, New York. Members there expressed sentiments of a church that split and had decreasing membership. Some Shiloh members shared negative comments and repulsive reports with members of Mount Zion’s leadership after this pastor’s arrival in Seattle. Mount Zion’s leadership forgave him of his past and reached out to receive him with open arms. This history of disruption and division appears to be his calling card and led to legal actions against him in Buffalo New York and Seattle Washington. What manner of a man is this? Matthew. 23: 28 reads “Even so ye outwardly appear righteous unto man, but within you ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity, they were like painted sepulchers beautiful and attractive on the outside, yet with foulness and corruption hidden inside of them waiting for the perfect opportunity to bring out their true nature.” It is time for members of Mount Zion to regain their voice. Come to the all church meeting on October 22, 2004. Let this leadership know that never again will we be silenced. Never again will microphones be muted/turned off as members attempt to speak during meetings. Never again will there be motions made by the leadership to suspend the rules of the church. Never again will we allow the pastor to have the Diaconate stand against the members of the church whom they have been called to serve. Never again will we allow a member to be told that they are out-of-order when they ask a question. Never again should the pastor be allowed to serve only part of his flock (only those who support him without question) vs. the entire flock of Mount Zion. It is time to end this maledict madness. Mount Zion members October 22, is the time to reclaim your voice. Why would this pastor want to pursue adopting a vision plan that is so discordant? This pastor has crippled and hurt Mount Zion. If the pastor and his supporters are truly doing God’s work and abiding by the first and greatest commandment and the second which is like it, we would not be a malcontent church engaged in so much divisive, disjointed and disgruntled discourse. Now is the time to ask your brothers and sisters their opinions and return to respectful and honest conversations. It is time that we all stand, speak, and step as one body in Christ. Our calling is to be a Christ-centered Church and it is time we began to conduct ourselves in like-manner. Being Christ-centered does not come by a vote and a vision 21st century document. Let us all put our trust where it should be: Psalms 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”

Must Read

Lakeside Lions Defeat Garfield Bulldogs With Strong Defense And Balanced Scoring

Lakeside's Helena Christofilis led her team to a 64-51 victory over Garfield, scoring 16 points and helping the Lady Lions improve to 10-1 in the Metro League.